Thursday, June 02, 2011

i just laugh

basic is over.
one month into tech school. (kinda)
officially in the air force.

as i approach some of the hottest months in the second largest state in america, i cant believe so much has changed over the past year. a year ago i was contemplating going to college, and then that dream halted when i realized i was broke. so the next step was lets get into the military. and now im here. basic (boot camp) flew by, and i give credit to my two year mission for helping me out with that. it was demanding but all of the stress that the majority of the people feel while there because of home sickness or never been alone before didnt really bother me. the hours were very strenuous and i hardly had any sleep (which is still the case now) but i finished and i never have to go back to that. im really glad for that.

now im in tech school, well ... let me rephrase that... now im waiting for tech school. just another part of life in the military that i should be used to by now. theres different things i have to go through and obtain before i actually start my classes based on my job, and i guess i havent fulfilled some of those requirement. but thats fine. at least im getting paid. right? ha

im in one of the smallest places in texas, well thats what i think. im not really sure why they say everything is bigger in texas, because if you drive 6 miles in any direction out of this town and its all dessert. maybe they were meaning the land is just bigger. im staying at a base that could honestly be one of the smallest bases in the US. it doesnt even have a active flight line. but im not really complaining, i chose to do this and im actually doin it. while i wait for classes to start im someone you call a "casual". this person is more or less a janitor. so for the next several weeks, or months if im really lucky, ill be prepared to take on any task that involves a mop or a broom.

besides all of that im pretty happy at the progress i have put into this. i set out for something that alot of people didnt think was a good idea and i followed through with it. no matter if i stay in this for four or go all the way to twenty years, i still made it through something and i feel really accomplished for it.

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