Sunday, June 13, 2010

mind changes

so the past few days i have been thinking again and again about what i want out of this..yes i know i said i was determined to be a chef and to have my own restaurant and ya ya ya, but now trying to set this all up and to get ready to pursue this course i realized i have 0 dollars to my name, well i knew this before, but it didnt really hit me until i was actually trying to balance my checkbook so to say.

now on my mission i served by a numerous amount of places near military bases, actually 4 to be exact. the first one was moody air force base. this one was in valdosta Georgia, pretty close to the border of Florida. i was serving in Nashville (not Nashville Tennessee, i wish :p ) which was about 20 miles away from valdosta. so in my small town of about 1000, (thats what it seemed like) majority of witch were retired military. this didn't spark my interest in the military at all, even when they talked about it, but at times we would run into a enlisted solider and he would talk it up about how cool it was. one of the coolest jobs someone mentioned when i was in Nashville was something called a PJ jumper, its a job where you jump out of airplanes into water, and then swim to the designated area, dang that seemed so cool

then i was transferred up into an area called warner robins and the base that was here was another air force base. i met so many interesting people in this town, and the majority of them were enlisted in the air force. at this point i had no desire of joining the airforce, or military for that matter. so after serving in this area for six months i left to ridgeland south carolina. now the closest base was about 30 miles away and it was a marine base, witch i really had no interest in. crazy people who get yelled at 24/7, no thank you, so i kinda laid low with talking to people about there military lifestyle and what not

after 5 months there i made my way back up to warner robins and this was the time where i thought something was up. i mean really, i was just there 5 months ago, i didn't think i would ever be back and bam, i was there again. and this time i knew everyone, piratically, and so it was alot easier to ask more questions about how what and why they got started in this career choice, it was very interesting and it enlightened my mind alot to the many career opportunities that the military held, so i started to pursue it and kept asking questions, most of the time to people who weren't interested at first to talk to the missionaries, they would at least answer a question or 2 about their career choice. so after being in warner robins for another 6 months, i ended up in Augusta Georgia where there was one of the biggest military bases in my mission (i honestly didnt think this was a coincidence, me being surrounded by military bases my whole mission) and it was an army base, but combined with all of the branches of military, it was in this area where we would knock on every single door and 9 times out of 10 they would be in the military, and 7 times out of 10 they were a linguist for the military, and man, i thought this was the coolest career ever. i looked alot more into it and asked alot more questions, and i was set, there was no doubt in my mind that i was joining the air force and going into the intelligence field as a linguist.

and then i got home and kinda put that under the rug, and was going to pursue my degree in cooking, because i really do love that, but now I'm determined to start looking more into joining the armed forces and becoming a linguist in the united states air force... wish me luck!

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