Wednesday, October 13, 2010

24 hours

in todays society we wonder why there are so many people over weight, (no im not trying to do some "super size me" post about how i can go for 30 days eating mcdonalds) im mostly talking about myself. everything is so easy to get ahold of in this time of day. ive lived in vegas the majority of my life, and this is a city that never sleeps. if i wanted to go bowling at 3 am in the morning, what the heck! why not?, or hey, who wants to go get breakfast at 12am because its cheaper than actually waiting 7 more hours when normal people go out to eat. now when i lived in utah and georgia for a few years, stores actually close, they put up there signs that say "sorry we are closed, please come back when people are actually awake".... at first that was really hard getting used to. i couldnt go to wendys at 2:37 to grab that double cheeseburger that i was craven but decided not to go get it earlier becuase i was playing videos (thats just an example, i did alot more than just video games, umm myspace was on my top list too), but eventually i got used to it. i started eating at decent hours and not at crazy hours of the night. but now im back in vegas where that half pound hamburger special from midnight to 6 am is o so tempting because , 1. its cheaper, and 2. its a half pound hamburger for crying out loud!, if you dont finish it you could always just save it for your breakfast in a few hours.
now i can see myself in a few years regretting these decisions, but as for now, im only young once, why not make the best of it, my favorite place by far for a late night special is the bar called 4 kegs, they have this half price stramboli or pizza that is the best in Vegas, and the way they get you is you cant have it for take out, you have to dine-in, but thats ok, it helps me fall asleep

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