Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Standards...

so ive been slacking off lately with my work outs lately and need to get back in to it

theres a minnium standard for graduating basic traing in the airforce (boot camp) and they come down to 4 catagories......

mile and a half run

now every wednesday i work out with the people that are in the DEP (delayed entry program) and we practice 3 of the 4 catagories to get ready for Basic
the push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups are as many as you can do in 1 minute, the run has to meet a certain time limit
pushups are 45 in a minute
sit-ups are 50
pull-ups are 0 (ya thats a zero)
and the mile and a half has to be finished in 13:30 or less

my numbers as of today are

60 push-ups
65 situps
10 pull-ups
and my mile and half is at 11:30

yes those seem like good for now, but i really need to improve on them all if i want to keep up in basic, im trying to get my mile and and a half down to the 9 minute range and try to get my situps and pushups in the 70's, i think once i get to that point ill be happy with my self, my pull ups are fine, but ill still work on them also, i have all the time to work out just need to get back on schedule

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