Wednesday, October 13, 2010

things i cant stand

pet peeves, things that make me irritable, the stuff stupid people do (whether on purpose, or just cause they are stupid),
im gonna have to quote one of my favorite comedians on this one, bill engvall, he once stated
"stupid people should have to wear a sign around there neck, that way you wouldnt have to rely on them, it would be like 'excuse me, ooops, nevermind, i didnt see your sign'"

now not many things make me mad, im a pretty calm guy, im more of a people pleaser, even when people let me down, i still love to help them, but once in a while some things just get to me

the reason i am posting this because one of my beloved places to eat "robertos" messed up on my order. now robertos has been around for quite sometime, ive even recieved food poisoning from one of their dishes years ago, but yet, im still a loyal customer.
now a couple weeks ago i went to a robertos on my way to work to pick up the usual "breakfast burrito", now every robertos i have been to adds eggs cheese potatoes and bacon, and thats al, but when i went to this particular robertos they decided to go off the plan and add some Pico de gallo, now i dont mind that, just not on a breakfast burrito, so by the point i started eating it there was nothing i could do, i tried to get around it but the flavor already was saturated in the burrito.
so today i thought i would try it again, and remembering what happened the last time, i specifically told the lady, no pico de gallo, i even said it in spanish, (its already in spanish), so i took my order when it was finished and hurried to work, i always get a meal on tuesday (which are my fridays) and so i was excited, unwrapped my burrito and wa-la, pico de gallo mas in my burrito. what can i do at that point, nothing at all, just sit, try to scoop out the pico de gallo that some how appeared in my burrito after telling the lady not to add it, and that america, that is something i cannot stand!

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